Raised Floor Project Support

Titan raised floor provides full technical and commercial assistance to our customers. Not only early design phases of the building, but also the maintenance of the raised floor system. As we are more than a manufacturer, we aim to be an advisor of your raised floor project. The technical team of Titan raised floor project will provide close and exhaustive assistance to specifiers, architecture studios, designers, engineers, and distributors as well as installers. Start from early phases of the design of the building and as a support in the installation of raised access floor system. There are some advice you must pay attention to on our raised floor: 1. Technical specifications of raised access floor systems according to European and American standards and others. 2. CAD details of raised access floor systems as well as specific solutions for each project. 3. Tests and certificates of the different raised access floor systems according

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raised floor load test

Loading Test Method Based on CISCA of Raised Floor

Generally speaking, raised floor is becoming more and more popular in recent office using and data center. So how to choose the right panel loading is the common and important aspect before usage. Here is the CISCA loading test method for reference. We can also do such test in our testing room with machines.    First , check the situation of test machine. We need to have the loading test machine with computer that can show the direct loading data in different deflection. Second, make sure the indentor is fine. It must be sure that concentrated loading shall be applied to the structure though a steel indentor 25.4mm square. And the footprint contact area should be 25.4mm*25.4mm. Finally, start the loading test after all structures are stable.   Prepare 3 pieces of raised floor bare panels randomly selected, and put the whole panel on the pedestal and stringer under-structure system.

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