A raised flooring is also called a floating floor and we often use it to fulfill the work area’s needs. Various mechanical and electrical services will go through the hidden gap between the concrete and the raised floor. The elevated floor will be about 2 inches to 4 feet above the concrete surface. With raised floors, it is possible to reduce the cooling load by 40%. The distribution of heat among the cabinets will take place in a very efficient manner.
Infinity Load Raised Floor
Cable and equipment arrangement
Data centers will go for raised floors. With the raised floor, you can install the new systems very quickly. If there is a requirement of the upgrade, it can be accomplished effortlessly. You can arrange the power plugs and ports systematically with a raised floor. And moreover, by going for elevated platforms, you can reduce the company’s spending on infrastructure.
Clean ambiance
At the same time, the clutter-free environment created through the underground cabling will enhance the work ambiance. If you go for overhead cabling, it may block the light fixtures. So go access to various kinds of cables easily without using the ladder. After finding the right floor panel, you should do the necessary repair or replacement of the lines.
Design flexibility
Moreover, you can install the current and future equipment very easily by having the design flexibility with the raised floors. The cool air circulation will take place through the space between the raised floor tiles. If there is a requirement to relocate systems, it can be done easily as you will not want to increase the cooling infrastructure. You can change the panel need to be changed easily by using a sucker.
Floor maintenance
Steel Cementitious Raised Floor
The raised floor tiles will help in cleaning the floor tiles, and you can keep pollutants away from the floor. As the dirt accumulation will not take place, no polluted air will flow through the systems. Do the cable arraignment in a systematic manner, even though they are not visible to the eyes. And then plan and implement the cable layout accurately as it helps in the replacement of cables without delay.
Efficient usage of energy
When you implement raised floors, there will be even a cooling of rooms. The energy loss will be minimal. It can distribute the clean and chill air to rooms using blowers, ducts, and diffuser tiles. However, companies should invest in installing automatic fire protection devices to enhance ventilation and other suppression mechanisms.
Cost-effective solutions
Most of the companies are adapting to the raised floor concept as it paves the way for creating flexible spaces. The space requirement for each floor will reduce by going for under-floor air. It is also possible to reconfigure the building as per the modular design in a few hours without going through destructive activities such as eliminating walls and boring holes through the floor.