Category: Blogs

How static electricity is generated

How Static Electricity is Generated

Anti-static technology is part of the protection of the data centers, serve rooms, computer rooms, etc. Static electricity is one of the most frequent and most difficult harm to eliminate, it will not only cause random failures in the operation of electronic elements, but also cause the breakdown and destruction of certain components, such as CMOS, MOS circuits, and dual-level circuits. In addition, it will also harm physical and mental health of operators. How static electricity is generated The generation of static electricity is mainly caused by friction, contact and separation between objects. There are other reasons, in the process of static electricity generated by an object, because there is still a part of the charge that does not disappear and exist in the object, the object is called “electrostatic charged object.” The harm of static electricity Electrostatic discharge can form a fire source and cause fire. From the body

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Anti static access flooring

Why Laminate Cracks And How to Avoid It

Many users of anti-static raised floor reached us and asked about cracking problems in the anti-static flooring (mainly laminate HPL). Some raised floors even have just been used for one year. This not only affects the aesthetics of the entire room seriously, but also has an adverse effect on the anti static performance of HPL, the devices may fail due to the inability to release the static electricity. What should we do in this situation? Why laminate cracks? The main reason for HPL laminate cracking is due to that the temperature and humidity of the environment exceeds the design standards of the HPL. In a very cold or hot place, a huge change in temperature will cause the expansion and contraction of anti static flooring. Because the physical properties of HPL are hard, expansion and contraction above a certain limit can lead to cracking. In the data center and computer

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